
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How To Please Aggressive Women(Push/Pull Game)

Not every female likes to be captured by a tiger. There are some who enjoy playing the tiger themselves. These women are very aggressive when wanting a mate. They appreciate catching a man. When dealing with a woman who seems to like you, but doesn’t respond to your “push” the way you want “pull” back. Give her space and let her come to you. Many women are rabbits primed to be captured. This woman is a tigress. She knows what she wants and goes after it full speed ahead. “Be desire-less” is the first law of “The Tao of Steve”. In the romantic comedy the Tao of Steve (which inspired the title of this book) a chubby womanizer has 3 rules for picking up the ladies: 1. Be desire-less 2. Be excellent 3. Be gone. If you’re looking for a prime example of the push/pull game check out this flick. He really explains in detail the forces at work.
I’ll give you a rundown on what you’re doing when you are the pursued as opposed to the pursuer. In this situation you’re going to possess the nonchalance of a Zen Buddhist monk. You don’t have a care in the world. Your indifference to her charms and presence will only strengthen her desire for you. Don’t be desire-less to the point of seeming asexual or gay, but act as if you don’t need any woman in the world. Act as a prize. Be cool as a rod of steel. It’s human nature to chase that which rejects you. You’re so impervious to her charms that you challenge her vanity. She begins to think thoughts like “am I not attractive to this guy?” “Has he had better?”. The mind-set you possess is near pimp-like. To her you’re not like every other guy out there swooning at pussy. You’re above that. The godlike indifference you possess becomes very seductive to her and she just has to have you.

In being so difficult to catch for her the challenge has been created in her mind. Women love challenges about as much as they love to talk.

Now inside your divine shell your female lioness will poke and prod until she gets a crack (a smile or show of interest on your part). Stay in your shell until the situation reaches critical mass and she makes her (sexual) move on you. Once she does it is game, set, match. She has in her mind conquered you and in your mind you have conquered her. So be it. You both win.
*For a detailed description of this type of game check out the film “The Tao of Steve” or Robert Greene’s book “The Art of Seduction”.


tomnick said...


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Nick Thorsen

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